Battle the oncoming Alien Invasion of Earth in this epic racer to rescue your beloved pet Octopus Fluffy and escape. Mad Day is a combination of an awesome racing and alien shooting game. Upgrade your Car, Guns, Armor, Clothing and more to beat the bad guys. Take on the aliens lasers and blasters with your own trucks rocket launcher as you climb hills and smash through walls. Then start running on foot with your shotgun, killing and smashing aliens.
Escape Mystic Castle Mobile version
Enemy AirShot
My Dream Hospital
Multiplayer Battle Royale
Love Story
Rabbit Punch Rabbit
2048 Cube Run
Airplane IO
2048 Puzzle
Pokemon GO Pikachu
Huge Slap Run
Heart Box
Abstract Golf
Doom Dr SciFi
Astro Destroyer
Bear Adventure
SnowBall Speed
Galactic Snakes io
Solitaire Card Sort Puzzle
Push Block
Don Kong Fury
Brick Out Game
Bouncy Musical Ball
Kids House Cleanup
Noise Clicker
Connect The Gems
Stealth Master Sneak Cat
Blast Bird
Sports Car Wash Gas Station
Skydiving Iron